Automatically delete friend requests on Facebook

Hi guys!
No articles for the blog recently...The fact is that a lot of people sent friend requests to me but not ok, coz as sending invitations he got Facebook's notification that my account could not add more friends (at the time, request senders had to follow me). In reality, I only have about 2K of friends.
How to automatic delete my friend requests on Facebook by using javascript.
Automatically delete friend requests on Facebook
I have learnt and dealt with this issue already. So, I write down this topic to help someone who's facing up with the similar problem.

Step 1: Entering this link
It will show the list of friend request senders to you. You need to remove some, you can do it by manual if little. For the case of large numbers, you may use a small piece of code.

Step 2: You use Google Chrome on the above link. Click F12 then a frame of code will be shown as following pic
How to automatic delete my friend requests on Facebook by using javascript.
How to auto delete Friend requests?
After that, press Console and then insert the below piece of code, click Enter to delete automatic requests.
javascript:for( i = 0;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[reject]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[reject]")[i].click();}void(0);
You can load to lengthen the list of requests and use that code, or repeat this step for a few times (if the list is too long)
Hope these tips be useful for you, Thx!

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